Autism AbiliTEA’s 2019
Wednesday, May 1 2019April was World Autism Awareness & Appreciation Month, and Learning For Life celebrated with our third Autism AbiliTEA campaign. We encouraged our Village and supporters to host an AbiliTEA in April to help raise awareness about autism and the work L4Life do.
This year we were fortunate to have the support of a small but dedicated group of volunteers and supporters who ran a workplace morning teas to raise autism awareness.
Our first Autism AbiliTEA was hosted by Shayna Burns (a L4Life Board Member and part of our Marketing & Communications team) at Avanade Australia.
Nine people contributed goodies for the morning tea, 40+ people dropped in to enjoy treats and learn more about ASD and L4Life, with more than $250 being raised for Fair Access. Shayna spoke to her team about her experiences working with L4Life and stories shared by L4Life parents. A few people asked questions about ABA, and some spoke to their personal experiences. It’s important there was this conversation being shared about ASD and neurodiversity, especially for World Autism Awareness & Autism Appreciation Month. Thank you Shayna & Avanade!
Our second AbiliTEA was a great success, hosted by the wonderful Rotary Club of Kew.
A big thank you especially to Jennie Gale and Jill Forsyth for rallying the members, to Amanda Harrington for making the beautiful cupcakes and to Chris Ewart of Nelson Alexander, Kew for holding an auction with prizes contributed by members for the fundraising. A fun time was had and the conversation continued about ASD from the previous week’s presentation at Rotary by L4Life’s Director/Chair Mary Muirhead. An amazing $430 was raised for Fair Access to our programs.
Our third AbiliTEA was held at the office of Kay and Burton.
Thank you to Sally Morrison for organising a morning tea in May and raising a wonderful $200 for L4Life.